Rethinking governance

Change in motion was founded in 2013 with the ambition to help organisations be ready for the future and unlock the potential of employees. At that point in time the most common answer to the challenge was to start working agile and copy the organisational models of Spotify and ING Bank.

Now, 10 years later we know that although it seemed to work at first glance, frameworks are not the answer. But what is? In the past 10 years Change in Motion has researched and studied governance models to determine what works and what doesn’t work and our research lead to two key conclusions:

  1. Forget frameworks but focus on engagement, and 
  2. Change underlying anti patterns of behaviour 

And while many of our clients recognise and agree to our two key conclusions, it is merely a conclusion and to a certain degree just stating the obvious…

And while many of our clients recognise and agree to our two key conclusions, it is merely a conclusion and to a certain degree just stating the obvious…

So, we have taken it one step further… In 2023 we have developed a new governance canvas named “BITE” that contains a set of challenging questions and best practices to help you rethink and improve your governance.

The BITE canvas addresses Behaviour, Inclusiveness, Transparency and Empowerment and helps leaders to take a step back and look at your governance from the balcony. Next to this it contains guidance and underlying principles when designing and introducing improved governance.

As it is our aim to help as many organisations as we can, we have decide to publish the framework on our website and hope you can use it to your benefit!

Problems cannot be solved with the same thinking they have been created with
  1. Why this serie of posts?
  2. Agile, DevOps, Holocracy… There is no silver bullet

In the past many of my clients have used agile implementations as a sliver bullet…

Boeken over Agile en Scrum heb ik verslonden. Ik veranderde mijn titel van consultant naar Agile coach en deed projecten bij legio bedrijven. Agile was hot en er was werk in overvloed. Al snel werd me duidelijk dat ook Agile geen “silver bullet” is. Ik ben menig scrum master of coach tegengekomen die zich vooral richtte op het perfectioneren van de methode en daarmee het doel uit het oog verloor. Die met de scrum bijbel in de hand het agile geloof komen verkondigen. Vandaag de dag bespeur ik bij veel organisaties in meer of mindere mate “agile vermoeidheid”. Dit gaat zover dat sommige zelfs de term agile niet meer willen horen.